

Namespace: global
Parent: global
Type Extensions
Name Description
x.UseGoogleAuth(state, clientId, clientSecret, callbackPath, jsonToClaimMap)
Signature: (state:ApplicationState * clientId:string * clientSecret:string * callbackPath:string * jsonToClaimMap:seq) -> ApplicationState

CE Custom Operation: use_google_oauth

Enables default Google OAuth authentication. jsonToClaimMap should contain sequance of tuples where first element is a name of the of the key in JSON object and second element is a name of the claim. For example: ["id", ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier; "displayName", ClaimTypes.Name] where id and displayName are names of fields in the Google JSON response (

x.UseGoogleAuthWithConfig(state, config)
Signature: (state:ApplicationState * config:(GoogleOptions -> unit)) -> ApplicationState

CE Custom Operation: use_google_oauth_with_config

Enables Google OAuth authentication with custom configuration

x.UseGithubAuth(state, clientId, clientSecret, callbackPath, jsonToClaimMap)
Signature: (state:ApplicationState * clientId:string * clientSecret:string * callbackPath:string * jsonToClaimMap:seq) -> ApplicationState

CE Custom Operation: use_github_oauth

Enables default GitHub OAuth authentication. jsonToClaimMap should contain sequance of tuples where first element is a name of the of the key in JSON object and second element is a name of the claim. For example: ["login", "githubUsername"; "name", "fullName"] where login and name are names of fields in GitHub JSON response (

x.UseGithubAuthWithConfig(state, config)
Signature: (state:ApplicationState * config:(OAuthOptions -> unit)) -> ApplicationState

CE Custom Operation: use_github_oauth_with_config

Enables GitHub OAuth authentication with custom configuration

x.UseAzureADAuth(state, tenantId, clientId, clientSecret, callbackPath, scopes, jsonToClaimMap)
Signature: (state:ApplicationState * tenantId:string * clientId:string * clientSecret:string * callbackPath:string * scopes:seq * jsonToClaimMap:seq) -> ApplicationState

CE Custom Operation: use_azuread_oauth

Enalbes default Azure AD OAuth authentication. scopes must be at least on of the scopes defined in, for instance "User.Read". jsonToClaimMap should contain sequance of tuples where first element is a name of the of the key in JSON object and second element is a name of the claim. For example: ["name", "" ] where name is the names of a field in Azure AD's JSON response (see or inspect tokens with

x.UseAzureADAuthWithConfig(state, config)
Signature: (state:ApplicationState * config:(OAuthOptions -> unit)) -> ApplicationState

CE Custom Operation: use_azuread_oauth_with_config

Enables AzureAD OAuth authentication with custom configuration

x.UseOpenIdAuthWithConfig(state, config)
Signature: (state:ApplicationState * config:Action) -> ApplicationState

CE Custom Operation: use_open_id_auth_with_config

Enables OpenId authentication with custom configuration