

Namespace: Saturn
Parent: Saturn

Module with some useful helpers functions that can be used for authentication, such as creating JWT tokens, or HttpHandlers checking if request is authenticated.

Values and Functions
Name Description
Signature: challengeType:ChallengeType -> HttpHandler

Requires authentication and uses given challenge type if not authenticated

requireRole challengeType role
Signature: challengeType:ChallengeType -> role:string -> HttpHandler

Requires role and uses given challenge type if not authenticated

requireRoleOf challengeType roles
Signature: challengeType:ChallengeType -> roles:string list -> HttpHandler

Requires one of the roles and uses given challenge type if not authenticated

requireClaim challengeType claimKey claimValue
Signature: challengeType:ChallengeType -> claimKey:string -> claimValue:string -> HttpHandler

Requires claim of given type with given value and uses given challenge type if not authenticated

generateJWT(secret, algorithm) issuer expires claims
Signature: (secret:string * algorithm:string) -> issuer:string -> expires:DateTime -> claims:IEnumerable -> string

Helper function to generate JWT token using Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens and System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt